Don’t pass up “The Passing Playbook”

Some books just check off all the right boxes and The Passing Playbook certainly delivered.

It’s relatable. People are people. Puberty is puberty. I am certainly not alleging that some people do not have a harder time in life and in adolescence but we can all relate to the awkwardness of learning about ourselves, our bodies, our minds. At 32, I’m still learning about myself, and frankly, I hope I never stop.

Spencer is finally feeling like himself. He’s starting a new school this year where no one knows him as anyone other than Spencer and that feels good. Except he wants to try out for the soccer team and his parents’ aren’t quite behind that decision. So what choice does he have but to go behind their backs and try out anyway.

Honestly a lot of tumultuous things happen in this book, but it doesn’t come through as overly dramatic. Luckily Spencer has a phenomenal support system so he gets through it and comes out stronger and meets a lot of amazing people along the way.

I was able to learn more through reading this book, about tolerance versus acceptance, about life for trans people and their families, about the hope we see in the younger generations and the generations that will come after them.

It’s so important that we have books that reflect main characters that EVERYONE can see themselves in. I’m glad that Spencer can be that for so many young people now.

Happy Reading!
@book.addicts.anonymous (Instagram) (goodreads)

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