Monthly Archives: February 2018

Struggle Bus

Do you ever have a book that is just difficult to get through?  Kind of a silly question, of course, we all do.  How do you deal with it?  Do you push through?  Do you bail?  If you are a pro-DNFer (did not finish) how long do you give a book before you move on?

It seems like I’m talking about a bad relationship here.  In a way, reading a book can indeed be like that.

Right now, I’m forcing myself through Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff.  I’m going to be honest here… I thought this would read a bit more juicy.  That may make me sound like I was looking for a gossipy celebrity memoir, but I guess I was!  This reads so rough.  I consider myself fairly well-read with a decent vocabulary.  I’m having to look up words every few pages.  It feels very much as though the author wants to make sure everyone reading knows he’s smart (that or that he has access to a thesaurus).  If you want your book to be something that the public gets their hands on, I’d make it more accessible.

I’m having to read this one OUT LOUD to myself to make myself focus and both hear and read the words.  It’s also pretty repetitive – is that because the events the material covers was repetitive?  Perhaps, but I also find myself thinking “okay, we get it, we get it” while I’m reading.

How do you get through the reading slump hump?

On another note, I’ve still not read 1 single book for Mount TBR challenge.  Not. A. One.